The Philadelphia Trust is committed to working with Christians in Central and Eastern Europe.
We have had requests for help in the following areas:
- Outreach – using English to reach people for Christ.
- Bible Teaching to equip elders, leaders and young people to serve Christ.
- Help with aid for building projects and refugees.
- Assisting with Camps.
English Language Day Camp in Hungary
Dömös is a village in Hungary on the border with Slovakia. The believers there have a developing work in the community and local schools. For the last five years a Philadelphia Trust/GLO team has responded to the local church’s invitation to assist them in outreach. The local response has been excellent.
English Language Outreach for all ages in the Czech Republic
Sázava is a small town near Prague. For the last six years an outreach has taken place there among adults, youth and children. Each year more than 100 people attend the English Courses which are an opportunity to demonstrate our faith by our care, commitment and conversations. Many good contacts have been made.
Outreach Camps in Palowice, Poland
Camp for Youth aged 10-13
This camp is evangelistic. Last year 30 children were saved. Prospective helpers would help the English language teaching in the mornings and leading team competitions in the afternoon. This is a ‘full on’ camp which starts at 8 in the morning and finishes sometimes at 11 at night.
Camp for Older Teens 14-18
Most of the attendees at this camp are returning to enjoy the fellowship and continue to develop their Christian life. Helpers assist in the morning with English language lessons based on the Bible and in the afternoons with team games. This is a ‘full on’ camp which starts at 8:00 and rarely finishes before 23:00.
For Information about opportunities in camps in Poland, contact
Derek Ford, Parkview, Mary Street, Llandaff North, Cardiff, CF14 2JQ
029 2056 5399
The International Bible Teaching Camp, in Dömös, Hungary
Young people from many parts of Europe come together for one or two weeks Bible based study. This involves Bible teaching, discussion groups, seminars on topics relevant to the Christian Life, reports from the countries represented, worship times, sport and excursions. It is a wonderful time of fellowship and learning together. More English mother tongue speakers are needed. English is the common language used. For more details see the website.
Building Work
The Bible Centre in Dömös is undergoing a major renovation programme to comply with EU regulations and to make it useable to wider group of people.