Over the few weeks we will be sharing about the work at Agape Ukraine and people’s stories who have been connected to the work.
Agape’s History
Sergey and Natalya Bolchuk were serving the Lord in Central Ukraine running a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in the early 2000s. They were involved in a car accident when a tyre burst and their car overturned on a country road. Both were injured but Natalya’s injuries were life-changing as she is now a quadriplegic.
The time spent in hospitals and other care facilities convinced them both of the need to help others in their situation so they returned to Lutsk, and set up a Christian care facility. First in a disused church building and then later in this purpose-built facility.
It was a tremendous faith initiative then and still is today as they help children and adults who have suffered disabling injuries. Not only do they minister to the physical needs of patients but to their spiritual needs. The rehabilitation process deals with the whole person and helps the disabled person live as full a life as possible.

People Agape are serving
The family of Andriy Korolchuk who had a Brain Aneurism several years ago (hemorrhagic stroke). As a result, he lost his ability to speak, walk by himself, normally use the right part of his body. He’s been at Agape for rehabilitation a couple of times. Together with his wife and two children he also visited Retreat for Adults with disabilities several times. Right now he can walk using a cane and speak a little bit. However, he’s got a problem with memorizing the names of the people and is very discouraged because he cannot use the right hand. The man is very open to hearing the Gospel.

Vira Matsiuk, has been having multiple sclerosis for about 20 years. She used to be the member of our church, but unfortunately backslided. We continue supporting her. From time to time she visits the Fimiam Church.

Pavlo Knysh, one of the businessman from Fimiam church, and Roman Antoniuk, the Administrator of Agape Ukraine, are taking the grocery packages to the vans and cars to take them to families affected by disabilities.

A prayer of the team before visiting the families.

Pavlo Knysh, one of the businessman from Fimiam church, Roman Antoniuk, the Administrator of Agape Ukraine, and Pavlo’s son are about to start visiting the families affected by disabilities.

To find out more, go to https://en.agapeukraine.com/